Summer Camp Preparations!
Whether your child is an old or new camper, transitioning to camp can be tricky and may cause some feelings of worry or resistance in your child.
SEL in the Eye of the Storm
The Meeting House community has had much discussion and deliberation regarding statewide textbook bans that seek to tie Social Emotional Learning strategies to some ideological movement, rather than acknowledging demonstrated personal benefits and successful life strategies for individuals of all ages.
Ten SEL Myths Exposed!
Take a moment to reconsider the validity of these top 10 misplaced notions regarding a healthy happy outlook.
Channeling your "Inner Yoda" to embrace a Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset is not just a Jedi trick. You can adopt one too. Take a look at the following two statements and notice the difference: The first statement uses a Fixed Mindset while the second uses a Growth Mindset.
Tom Brady Teaches Us a Lesson in Emotional Intelligence
Following a last second field goal sending Tampa Bay home for the offseason, Tom Brady was distraught. As we like to say at the Meeting House, losing at any age and level of competition can bring about a lot of big feelings: anger, confusion, sadness, to name a few. When asked about the future of his playing career Brady took a pause letting reporters know he would not make any impulse decisions or comments in a heightened emotional state. He taught us a major lesson in Emotional Intelligence: Never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion.
What are kids doing during After School at The Meeting House?…They are busy thinking about thinking! Metacognition is an awareness of one's own thought processes and an understanding of the patterns behind them. During our After School Program at TMH we begin each session with a new exercise to warm up the brain and encourage thinking about how each of us thinks.
Wahlberg and Hollywood Take on Bullying
Set to be released July 23rd, Mark Wahlberg’s new role in Joe Bell captures a father’s long journey into accepting the death of his son while also spreading awareness of the real and terrifying costs of bullying. More specifically, his son is victimized in school by bullies because he’s gay which eventually leads his son to commit suicide. At a time when hatred on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is so prevalent it has become a part of everyday life, the agony Joe witnesses in his own son’s secret existence is authentic, real and vulnerable. The movie illustrates the importance of perspective taking and a growth mindset and the power we all have to change through inciting our own empathy.
Letter From the Founder Paula Resnick
I recently took a step away from The Meeting House and upon returning the following week, I took a pause to reflect on the continued staying power and relevance of our programs, I found myself amazed at how much has transpired in such a short time — how in the midst of COVID, The Meeting House had transformed emerging stronger, landing on terra firma with a mission more relevant than ever before. Now, as we prepare for the Fall, launching new programs in new locations and serving new constituents I am energized by the opportunities surrounding us.
Student Intern Reflections on our New College Program
When The Meeting House College Program started a few months ago, I expected to have more of a mentorship role considering that I am a rising senior at Brandeis University. I felt like I had a lot to offer to students who were still at the beginning of their college careers.
The Valuable Perspective of "Team Marco" the Movie!
Way before Covid arrived, Team Marco director Julio Vincent Gambuto was thinking critically around intergenerational relationships, family values, digital media literacy, and issues of loneliness.
7 Things Mentally Strong Kids Do!
As TMH continues to offer rich social emotional learning opportunities to children and teens and expands adult programming (we now offer three parenting groups) articles like, A psychotherapist says the most mentally strong kids always do these 7 things…