50 Essential Social Skills
for All Ages
1. Accepting criticism
2. Accepting differences
3. Accepting no for an answer
4. Active listening
5. Appropriate risk taking
6. Asking for help
7. Asking permission
8. Becoming a flexible thinker
9. Being a good friend
10. Celebrating personal successes
11. Communicating clearly
12. Complimenting others
13. Conflict resolution
14. Cooperating with others & working together
15. Demonstrating kindness
16. Disagreeing politely & respectfully
17. Encouraging others
18. Establishing and maintaining eye contact
19. Following directions
20. Helping others
21. How to be a good sport & a good loser
22. Improving self-regulation
23. Learning to Compromise
24. Learning to forgive
25. Making an apology
26. Negotiating/advocating for one’s needs
27. Paraphrasing
28. Participating (joining and leaving) an activity
29. Problem solving
30. Providing Constructive Feedback
31. Recognizing body language & nonverbal cues
32. Recognizing feelings of oneself
33. Recognizing feelings of others
34. Recognizing expected & unexpected behavior
35. Resisting peer pressure
36. Respecting personal space
37. Respecting the opinion of others
38. Sharing ideas
39. Sharing materials
40. Staying on task
41. Staying with the team or group
42. Taking someone else’s perspective
43. Thinking before speaking
44. Turn taking
45. Understanding that actions have consequences
46. Using good manners
47. Using names appropriately
48. Using/Recognizing appropriate voice tone & volume
49. Waiting for a natural pause before speaking
50. Waiting patiently