Young Professional Resources
Our archive of resources used in our Young Professional Conversations. You can always visit our library to gain insight and explore a variety of topics that further independent learning.
Virtual Library Archives
Books & Articles
How to Mentally Prepare for Any Outcome of the 2020 Election Dominique — Michelle Astorino, MSN
How to Tame Negative Thoughts Zoe B. — Tiny Buddha
Racism and To Kill a Mockingbird — Gbenga Akinnagbe, Washington Post
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents — Isabel Wilkerson
Last Week, I Told My Black Son A Lie. I Hope He Never Discovers It’s Untrue — Christina Hale-Elliott, HuffPost
American Black Film Festival Creators Launch Social Justice Now Film Festival — Janet W. Lee, Variety Magazine
The Happiness Advantage, How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life — Shawn Achor
The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Race — Sam Sanders, NPR
What is Positive Psychology & Why is It Important? — Courtney E. Ackerman
Why I Hate New Years Resolutions — Damien Peters, Medium
How Millennials Can Beat Burnout — Author Anne Helen Petersen On Curbing Productivity Obsession, Forbes, Melody Wilding, LMSW
This Is How Your Thoughts Become Your Reality — Amy Morin
White Fragility — Robin DiAngelo is a vital, necessary and beautiful book, a bracing call to white folk everywhere to see their whiteness for what it is and to seize the opportunity to make things better now. DiAngelo joins the front ranks of white anti-racist thinkers with a stirring call to conscience, and most important, consciousness, in her white brothers. White fragility is a truly generative idea… an idea whose time has come.
Media, Videos, Film & Podcasts
57 Seconds on "Race": Toni Morrison
Brene Brown —The Power of Vulnerability: Brene Brown
Brene with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle: Unlocking Us Podcast with Brene Brown
Spoken Word Act America's Got Talent
Interview Discussing Race: James Baldwin
The Impact of Systemic Racism (1972 Interview): Angela Davis
White Privilege Kyla: Jenee Lacey
Dave Chapelle Racial Draft: Chappelle's Show — Uncensored
Dave Chappelle's Opening SNL Monologue