Spirituality Resources
Our archive of resources used in our Spirituality and Self Care Conversations. You can always visit our library to gain insight and explore a variety of topics that further independent learning.
Virtual Library Archives
Media - Art, Video, Film
Peter, Paul, and Mary — “Hymn”
"Praise the Rain" — poem by Joy Harjo, "It Happens All the Time in Heaven" poem by Hafiz
"The Haus of Glitter" -- Walking Meditation Series on YouTube
"The Summer Day" — poem by Mary Oliver
Zen/Chan and Play — Zen Humor, Timothy Conway
Articles & Books
— By Author —
Adrienne Maree Brown: Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds.
Katherine May: On Being: how “wintering” replenishes:
Lisa Miller, The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving.
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants.
Ross Gay: The Book of Delights: Essays.
Robert Nachmanovitch: Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art.
Sheila K. Collins and Christine Gautreaux, Stillpoint: The Self-Care Playbook for Caregivers to Find Ease, and Time to Breathe, and Reclaim Joy.
— By Title —
About Interplay — an active and creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text (podcast + resources on reading/responding to text "sacredly")
Hebrew Senior Life Spiritual Assessment Model — Play, Spirit, and Character — The On Being Project, by Stuart Brown
Jews For Racial & Economic Justice | Resources (jfrej.org)
See You at the Sea: The Storytellers of Mitzrayim, gathered/compiled by Emily Rogal
The final teaching of carrying two papers in our pockets — Dr. Elana Stein Hain
The Velveteen Rabbi -- Rachel Barenblatt’s blog