Parenting Resources
We curate a dynamic and ever-changing archival library of resource links that are used in our Parenting conversations. You can always visit our library to gain insight and explore a variety of topics that further independent learning.
Virtual Library Archives
Fun & interactive activities designed for Dads & Daughters (ages 5-12) to do together, as a team.
Media - Podcasts, Video, Film
The Social Dilemma Netflix Original Film
Explains the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations
Articles & Books
5 Ways to Get Structure Back Into Your Kids’ Lives, Christina Caron, NY Times
Become a Better Listener. Your Family Will Thank You, Jancee Dunn, The New York Times
Child Mind Institute... Helping children where they need it the most
For Women, the Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Brings a Particular Grief Sheryl Gay Stolberg, NY Times
Helping Children Understand Emotions When Wearing Masks ChallengingBehavior.org
School reopening pledge from Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza. It outlines the city's commitment to students, families, staff.
How to Help Your Child Wear a Mask, Lindsey Biel, NY Times
Keeping a Love for School Alive, Jessica Grose, NY Times
Local Parents are Split About Returning to Schools, Fascinating Survey Shows
Meeting House Inspirations and Mantras
Principals Call on NYC to Delay Start of In-Person School Reema Amin and Amy Zimmer, Chalkbeat
Raising Human Beings, Ross W Greene, PhD
The Trouble With Empathy, Molly Worthen, NY Times
Why I Am Not Sending My Kids Back to School, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN
Will the Pandemic Socially Stunt My Kid?, Jessica Gross, NY Times
How to Tell a Great Bedtime Story, Paul L. Underwood, NY Times
Do Screens Keep You Up at Night?, Julie Jargon, Wall Street Journal
Encouraging Kids to Talk About Emotions... Both the good and the bad. Vanessa LoBue Ph.D.
The Baby Scientist
‘Mom, Look! I Made a Friend!’, NYTimes, Janet Manley
7 Ways To Help Kids Reframe Their Anxiety - And Reclaim Their Superpower NPR, Kavitha Cardoza & Clare Marie Schneider
Accessing Self-Care: More than a bubble bath and your favorite candle, Steven Rubin, MSW